Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
bureaucrat_helpdesk_lite This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
bureaucrat_itsm This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
bureaucrat_servicedesk This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
bureaucrat_servicedesk_pro This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
bureaucrat_servicedesk_ultimate This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_service_desk This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_service_desk_change_management This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
crnd_service_desk_process_basic This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 2
crnd_wsd This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 94% 14 72 21
crnd_wsd_address This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 96% 1 3 1
crnd_wsd_api This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_wsd_appointment This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 3
crnd_wsd_broadcast This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 8
crnd_wsd_contract_service This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_wsd_field This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_wsd_legal This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
crnd_wsd_project This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_wsd_related_doc This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_wsd_related_request This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_wsd_resource This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
crnd_wsd_resource_role This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
crnd_wsd_tag This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_appointment This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 97% 5 43 11
generic_appointment_crm This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_assignment This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 11
generic_assignment_hr This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_assignment_hr_holidays This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_assignment_project This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_assignment_team This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 2
generic_assignment_team_hr_holidays This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_contract This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 14
generic_contract_invoicing This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 99% 1 4 14
generic_contract_invoicing_request This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 14
generic_contract_invoicing_timesheets This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 10
generic_contract_location This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 9
generic_contract_project This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_contract_resource This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 11
generic_contract_resource_service_package This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 94% 1 2 1
generic_contract_service_package This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 9
generic_contract_team This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_contract_uuid This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_action This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 98% 2 11 13
generic_request_action_assignment This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_action_hr This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_action_invoice This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_action_project This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 5
generic_request_action_survey This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_action_team This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_action_todo This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_address This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_api This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 17
generic_request_api_address This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_api_field This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 8
generic_request_api_uuid This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_assignment This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_assignment_team This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_calendar This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_condition This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 2
generic_request_condition_mail This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 0% 6 50
generic_request_contract This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 2
generic_request_contract_location This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_contract_resource This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_crm This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_deadline This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 0% 36 91 16
generic_request_field This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 13
generic_request_hr This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_request_invoicing This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 92% 5 38 12
generic_request_location This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_mail This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 13
generic_request_message_status This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 80% 2 14 1
generic_request_project This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 14
generic_request_recent This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_related_doc This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 11
generic_request_related_requests This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 9
generic_request_resource This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 3
generic_request_route_auto This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 98% 2 6 14
generic_request_sale This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_sla This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. 14
generic_request_sla_log This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. 9
generic_request_sla_team This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 3
generic_request_survey This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 12
generic_request_team This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 84% 6 24 6
generic_request_todo This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_request_uuid This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_resource_document This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_resource_location This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_resource_role This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 12
generic_resource_role_hr This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_resource_timesheet This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. 8
generic_service_item This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 93% 5 18 13
generic_service_item_uuid This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_service_package This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 11
generic_service_package_uuid This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_service_resource This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 11
generic_service_team This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_team_calendar This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_team_hr This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
generic_team_project This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 0% 2 2 2
generic_team_tag This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 2
generic_todo This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 10
generic_todo_project This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 1
generic_todo_type_create_location This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 8
test_generic_assignment This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 9
test_generic_contract This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
test_generic_contract_invoice_request This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 11
test_generic_request This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 91% 5 12 10
test_generic_request_resource This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts.
test_generic_resource This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 9
test_generic_todo This component is linked to the Bureaucrat generics (16.0)/generic_request repository. Fix this component to clear its alerts. 8
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